CORRECTION: The School Council meeting will be on the originally scheduled date, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 6 - 8 PM. Meetings take place in the 2nd floor staff room, with pizza & childcare provided. ALL PARENTS WELCOME! We apologize for the confusion regarding the dates.
What's in this month's newsletter: Link here- Welcome back to Bowmore!
- Reminders regarding Code of Conduct, student drop-off/pick-up, safe arrival & punctuality
- Bowmore is a peanut-free school, with several children in the school severely allergic
- Tips on packing a litterless lunch
- Library news: Governor General Award-winner Deborah Ellis to visit!
- Guidance news: Grade 8 parents look for high school information sessions in one month!
- Extracurricular fee-based programs at Bowmore: Theatre, dance & karate
- Terry Fox Day coming Wed September 28! Be sure to show Bowmore spirit by wearing black & red!
- Junior Cross Country Run Team practices M,W,F 8 - 8:30: Parents welcome to run too!
- School Council News- First meeting to be held September 29; look for election results September 26
- Pizza lunches: We need volunteers for this important school fundraiser
- Bowmore Gardening Group: Join us as we beautify our school
- Parenting & Family Literacy Centre - Great resource for parents of children 0-6 yrs
- Education Day: Provincial All-Candidates Meeting September 20
- MedicAlert's "No Child Without": If you have a child with an allergy or serious medical condition, you need to know about this!
- Grade 7 trip to Camp Wahanowin
- Movie Night: Mars Needs Moms - September 23
- Sept 20 - Education Day (Secord PS)
- Sept 23 - Movie Night
- Sept 28 - Terry Fox Run
- Sept 29 - QSP Magazine Fundraiser begins
- Sept 29 - School Council Meeting
- Oct 3 - 7 - Scholastic Book Fair
- Oct 4 - TTC student ID photos
- Oct 5 - Curriculum Night
- Oct 10 - Thanksgiving (no school)
- Oct 11 - 13 - Grade 7 trip
Movie Night Friday September 23: Mars Needs Moms
"Mom needs a little space!" Starring Joan Cusack and Seth Green
Watch a video preview
WHEN: Friday, Sept 23 - 6 pm doors open / 6:30 pm movie starts
WHERE: Bowmore Junior Gym (use the side entrance, under "the bridge")
Pizza, snacks and drinks will be sold for a modest cost. Remember to bring camp chairs!
A fun & inexpensive family night out that supports enriched learning experiences at Bowmore.
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