Fairmount Park Community Centre is one of the 12 shared-use community centres whose recreational programming was targeted for elimination by city’s Budget Committee. Earl Beatty has been facing similar cuts, and Duke of Connaught / SH Armstrong will lose city-run aquatics programs. The Budget Committee heard deputations and discussions in December, including deputations presented by members of our Advisory Council.
We asked that the recreation programs and Community Centre be preserved while the TDSB and City continue negotiations. We also asked for increased community involvement in program decision-making via the Advisory Council, as well as a review of the fee structure and Parks and Recreation program planning.
On Monday, January 9, City Council voted to restore budget funding to the 12 community centres and school nutrition programs, along with two of the 10 threatened pools. Our Community Centre appears to be safe! (For now.)
However, the local shared-use pool at SH Armstrong is still facing closure. Other proposed budget cuts affecting local families with children include elimination of the daycare city rent subsidy (which will raise fees in our local centres), cuts to arenas, and cuts to library programs. Council is also planning to adjust the Parks & Rec "Welcome" subsidy program for families in need, which we are watching closely. To show your concern about children's programs throughout our city, write a letter to Councillor Mary Margaret McMahon at councillor_mcmahon@toronto.ca. Also read and consider signing the following online petitions: http://kidscounttoronto.ca/ http://www.letsmakewaves.ca/
The fight for a healthy & secure Fairmount Park Community Centre is not over! We still need your voice at the Fairmount Park Community Centre Advisory Council - In support of all aquatics and recreation programming at Fairmount, The Fairmount Park Community Centre Advisory Council has been re-formed, to support staff in ensuring that programs meet the needs of our community. We need your voice! If you are interested in joining the Council or volunteering in any way, please contact us at bowmoresc@gmail.com
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