- Bowmore October newsletter now online
- Next School Council Meeting: This Thursday (Oct 20), 6-8 pm - ALL WELCOME!
- Next Movie Night: This Friday (Oct 21) - TOY STORY 3!
- Results of Fundraising Survey

Bowmore PS October Newsletter now online
Chock full 'o information you need to know to keep the school year running smoothly!
Download it here (PDF)
School Council Meeting This Thursday
Please join us - all Bowmore parents are welcome, and everyone has a voice and an equal vote at meetings!
2nd Floor Teachers' Lounge, 6-8 pm
We supply free pizza and childcare, to make it easy for you to attend!
- Agenda for Thursday's meeting (PDF)
- Draft Minutes from Sept 29 Meeting for approval (PDF)
- Financial Report for approval (PDF)
Movie Night This Friday!

TOY STORY 3! Watch preview here
Bowmore movie nights are a fun, simple and inexpensive family night out. You don’t need to worry about cooking dinner that night, as we sell pizza, juice and snacks for a modest cost, and free popcorn is courtesy of Ray Bernard Real Estate! Suggested donation of $2 per person, with each donation earning you a chance to win the DVD at the end of the night. Join us!
WHEN: Friday, Oct 21 - 6 pm doors open / 6:30 pm movie starts
WHERE: Bowmore Junior Gym (use the side entrance, under "the bridge")
Pizza, snacks and drinks will be sold for a modest cost. Remember to bring camp chairs!
A fun & inexpensive family night out that supports enriched learning experiences at Bowmore.
Results from Parent Survey

Thank you for submitting your responses to the Parent Survey about priorities for School Council funding this year. We've compiled the results, and the following FOUR priorities were identified as most important to Bowmore families, by votes:
- Music (ie accompanist, instruments)
- Math & Science (ie Scientists in the Classroom)
- Literacy (ie library resources, author visits)
- Arts (ie Artists in the Classroom, Prologue Theatre)