- Write a cheque payable to Toronto District School Board
- Donate an amount over $20 to get a tax receipt
- In “Memo” section of the cheque, write where the money is to be directed (ie: particular program, needs or department)
- Ensure that your mailing address on the cheque is correct (for tax receipt)
- Bring cheque to Bowmore office--Attn: Ms. Baines
- Ms. Baines will forward the cheque and request for tax receipt to TDSB
- Cheque will be deposited in the school’s donation account and the funds will be spent according to the specifications on the cheque
- TDSB will mail tax receipt directly to you
Thursday, December 15, 2011
How to donate directly to Bowmore enrichment programs
Want to directly support Bowmore enrichment activities like music instruments, Artist & Scientists in the Classroom or buses to field trips? You can! Here's how:
December Newsletter Now Online!
Wishing you and your family a very happy holiday!
Download the December 2011 Bowmore PS School Newsletter here
Dec 16 - Pizza Day (Gr 1 to 5)
Dec 24 - Jan 8 - Holiday Break (NO SCHOOL)
Jan 12 - Junior Ski Trip
Jan 13 - Movie Night
Jan 19 - School Council Meeting
Jan 25 - Grade 6 Information Night
Jan 27 - PA Day
Download the December 2011 Bowmore PS School Newsletter here
Dec 16 - Pizza Day (Gr 1 to 5)
Dec 24 - Jan 8 - Holiday Break (NO SCHOOL)
Jan 12 - Junior Ski Trip
Jan 13 - Movie Night
Jan 19 - School Council Meeting
Jan 25 - Grade 6 Information Night
Jan 27 - PA Day
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Update: Proposed Elimination of Fairmount Park Community Centre Programs
Late last week we learned that Fairmount Park Community Centre is one of the 12 shared-use community centres whose recreational programming has been targeted for elimination by city’s Budget Committee. The Budget Committee will make deliberations this week and recommend a budget to Council. Council will vote on the budget in mid-January.
We do not have full details about what precisely will be cut at Fairmount aside from recreation programs, however we do know the following:
So far in its deliberations, the Budget Committee has not taken into account the importance of access to the Community Centre for tobogganers, skaters, tennis players, wading pool users and general park users. The park will take on a very different character for our families if the Community Centre is locked and dark.
Currently, our kids and families know that the Community Centre is a safe place to go for help or to use the bathroom. We feel that this decision will negatively impact their safety and use of the park, as there will no longer be the safe “windows on the park” or access to the restrooms that our families rely on.
Following is a statement from Councillor McMahon’s office today: “We are working with city staff to identify the specific criteria used to determine the centres and pools slated for closure. Our understanding is the proposed program cuts at Fairmount CC relates to Parks & Recreation programs only and not the pool programs; However we appreciate the cross connection between programs at the centre and pool programs and ensuring they continue to stay connected for the viability of the community. We will be working very hard to ensure we do everything possible to ensure no programming (pool or otherwise) is cut from the budget.”
Right now, you have two ways to make your voice heard, but there is no time to waste:
1. Apply to make a "deputation" (or a short, 2-5 minute presentation) to members of the city's Budget Committee on December 7 (see details below). You must register no later than 4 pm Tuesday, December 6.
To get your letter started, below is some suggested wording. Please make it your own, with your own thoughts and concerns. And please send it before the end of the day on Tuesday, December 6 to have it entered into the public record.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
re: BU19.1
2012 Capital and Operating Budgets - Public Consultations December 7 and 8, 2011
Dear Budget Committee:
I respectfully ask that this email testimonial be added to the public record for the upcoming 2012 Capital and Operating Budgets, Public Consultations on December 7, 2011.
I am concerned about the proposed elimination of recreational programming at Fairmount Park Community Centre. I ask that the Budget Committee consider the following points:
Located in a vibrant neighbourhood and serving families from every cultural and economic circumstance, Fairmount Park Community Centre is a cherished full service community centre offering aquatic programs along with an abundance of recreation programming for people of all abilities and ages. These programs are nearly always full, many within an hour of registration opening. We have an active Fairmount Park Advisory Council that is willing to work alongside Parks and Recreation staff to find efficiencies and ensure that programs offered meet the needs and demand of our neighbourhood.
Geographically, the centre is in the middle of a somewhat landlocked area, with public transit to the nearest community centres at Main Street or Matty Eckler taking approximately 20-30 minutes. Eliminating programs will create geographic barriers to our families’ access to recreation and sports programs. Having it located adjacent to our community school—and within walking distance to the many other schools that use this facility—also adds to its safe accessibility, by minimizing our children's travel distance between the school and after-school sports and recreation programs.
This facility is adjacent to a heavily-used city park, Fairmount Park, which includes a large baseball diamond, soccer field, tennis courts, wading pool and in the winter, a volunteer-maintained skating rink and popular toboggan hill. All these activities are extremely popular in our community, and rely on accessing the community centre for bathrooms and change rooms.
Perhaps most importantly, the community centre provides eyes on the park and a place of safety, where all our children and families know they can access help if they are threatened or hurt.
I am concerned that eliminating these programs will cost our city much more in the long run. When families have the opportunity to meet, play and talk with each other, we get thriving, sustainable, safe communities. This has deep economic benefit for us all.
Please do not eliminate the recreation programming at Fairmount Park Community Centre without providing an opportunity for our community to talk and meet with Parks and Recreation staff, to find better ways to make programs at Fairmount both viable and sustainable.
I urge you to allow for collaboration with local residents for each of the affected Community Centres, to find efficiencies that will help our neighbourhoods thrive, without losing these cherished community assets.
We do not have full details about what precisely will be cut at Fairmount aside from recreation programs, however we do know the following:
- These recreation programs will not be replaced in other neighbourhood centres. They will be eliminated outright. (More details in the budget backgrounder at this link)
- We don’t know if the current aquatics programs will be continued to the same degree they are now, but we do know that we will be absorbing aquatics demand from more families in a wider region now that other neighbourhood schools are losing aquatics programming. So the demand for swim classes will be greatly increased.
So far in its deliberations, the Budget Committee has not taken into account the importance of access to the Community Centre for tobogganers, skaters, tennis players, wading pool users and general park users. The park will take on a very different character for our families if the Community Centre is locked and dark.
Currently, our kids and families know that the Community Centre is a safe place to go for help or to use the bathroom. We feel that this decision will negatively impact their safety and use of the park, as there will no longer be the safe “windows on the park” or access to the restrooms that our families rely on.
Following is a statement from Councillor McMahon’s office today: “We are working with city staff to identify the specific criteria used to determine the centres and pools slated for closure. Our understanding is the proposed program cuts at Fairmount CC relates to Parks & Recreation programs only and not the pool programs; However we appreciate the cross connection between programs at the centre and pool programs and ensuring they continue to stay connected for the viability of the community. We will be working very hard to ensure we do everything possible to ensure no programming (pool or otherwise) is cut from the budget.”
Right now, you have two ways to make your voice heard, but there is no time to waste:
1. Apply to make a "deputation" (or a short, 2-5 minute presentation) to members of the city's Budget Committee on December 7 (see details below). You must register no later than 4 pm Tuesday, December 6.
- Deputations will be heard 9:30 am – 9:30 pm on Wednesday December 7th and Thursday December 8th, 2011(if necessary)
- Plan to speak for 5 minutes (may be cut to 2 mins) and bring printed copies of what you say to give to Councillors
- Location for Deputations is Committee Room 1, City Hall, 100 Queen St. West
- Request a deputation NO LATER THAN 4 pm on Tuesday, December 6 by calling (416) 392-1032 or (416) 397-7768 or sending an email to buc@toronto.ca.
- In your request, be sure to ask for your speaking number so that you have a better idea of when in the roster of speakers you will be heard.
To get your letter started, below is some suggested wording. Please make it your own, with your own thoughts and concerns. And please send it before the end of the day on Tuesday, December 6 to have it entered into the public record.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
re: BU19.1
2012 Capital and Operating Budgets - Public Consultations December 7 and 8, 2011
Dear Budget Committee:
I respectfully ask that this email testimonial be added to the public record for the upcoming 2012 Capital and Operating Budgets, Public Consultations on December 7, 2011.
I am concerned about the proposed elimination of recreational programming at Fairmount Park Community Centre. I ask that the Budget Committee consider the following points:
Located in a vibrant neighbourhood and serving families from every cultural and economic circumstance, Fairmount Park Community Centre is a cherished full service community centre offering aquatic programs along with an abundance of recreation programming for people of all abilities and ages. These programs are nearly always full, many within an hour of registration opening. We have an active Fairmount Park Advisory Council that is willing to work alongside Parks and Recreation staff to find efficiencies and ensure that programs offered meet the needs and demand of our neighbourhood.
Geographically, the centre is in the middle of a somewhat landlocked area, with public transit to the nearest community centres at Main Street or Matty Eckler taking approximately 20-30 minutes. Eliminating programs will create geographic barriers to our families’ access to recreation and sports programs. Having it located adjacent to our community school—and within walking distance to the many other schools that use this facility—also adds to its safe accessibility, by minimizing our children's travel distance between the school and after-school sports and recreation programs.
This facility is adjacent to a heavily-used city park, Fairmount Park, which includes a large baseball diamond, soccer field, tennis courts, wading pool and in the winter, a volunteer-maintained skating rink and popular toboggan hill. All these activities are extremely popular in our community, and rely on accessing the community centre for bathrooms and change rooms.
Perhaps most importantly, the community centre provides eyes on the park and a place of safety, where all our children and families know they can access help if they are threatened or hurt.
I am concerned that eliminating these programs will cost our city much more in the long run. When families have the opportunity to meet, play and talk with each other, we get thriving, sustainable, safe communities. This has deep economic benefit for us all.
Please do not eliminate the recreation programming at Fairmount Park Community Centre without providing an opportunity for our community to talk and meet with Parks and Recreation staff, to find better ways to make programs at Fairmount both viable and sustainable.
I urge you to allow for collaboration with local residents for each of the affected Community Centres, to find efficiencies that will help our neighbourhoods thrive, without losing these cherished community assets.
Friday, December 2, 2011
URGENT UPDATE! Our Pool & Community Centre is in Jeopardy
It is with heavy hearts that we tell you that the Bowmore/Fairmount Park Community Centre is one of the 12 facilities targeted by Toronto's Budget Committee for program elimination, along with eliminating another neighbourhood pool (at Duke of Connaught).
Read Dec 2 Toronto Star story
All recreation programs at Fairmount, including the extremely popular ballet, martial arts, arts & fitness programs, along with other enrichment opportunities for our families, will be eliminated if the Budget Committee approves the plan. Budget planning meetings are being held all next week, with public hearings on December 7-8.
Also deeply worrying: While our pool is not on the list of seven that will be immediately axed, it is hard to imagine sustainable pool programming (staff hours etc) if all other programs are removed.
Speak up.
Many of you signed the petition last June, and sent us your heartfelt testimonials. We will ensure our councillor uses them when speaking at the budget meeting. If you have not yet submitted your testimonial stating why the pool and Parks & Rec programming is important, please email one to us immediately. We will gather and forward all testimonials (past & present) to the Budget Committee and cc Councillor McMahon, Chris Spence, Sheila Cary-Meagher, TDSB and other relevant players on your behalf. Let's tell them that jeopardizing our children's health and safety by eliminating sports, recreation and swim literacy programs is not the way to cut costs!
Attend the public hearings December 7-8
Bowmore parents should register to depute at the Budget Committee on December 7/8. To register call or email the Budget Committee rep, Merle MacDonald, at buc@toronto.ca or 416-392-7340. City Council committee agendas can be viewed at: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/decisionBodyList.do?function=prepareDisplayDBList . If you do plan to depute, please let us know so we can strategize around messaging from Ward 32.
Use it or lose it!
TOMORROW IS THE REGISTRATION OPENING FOR RECREATION & SWIM PROGRAMS (see below). If you cherish our community centre, please take time to review and make use of the many programs available to us in our neighbourhood.
Spread the word
Help us distribute flyers, and tell everyone in our neighbourhood about this threat to our community.
We are working with our city councillor to plan our community reponse to this threat. We will keep you informed as we learn more. Please let us know by email if you can help distribute flyers and help us find other ways to spread the word. Without delay, we must let the city and Budget Committee know how much our community values this vital neighbourhood asset.
About the Fairmount/Bowmore Pool Committee: Formed in June 2010, our goal is to keep our community centre thriving. We have been collecting petitions, writing testimonials and securing media coverage. We maintain an open communication channel with all concerned parents, Councillor Mary Margaret McMahon, and Trustee Sheila Cary Meagher. If you can help, please contact us via email.
Parks & Recreation Winter Registration Deadline - Tomorrow!

A reminder - registration for Winter Skating & Swimming lessons and March Break Camps start December 3rd! Browse program offerings and register online here.
Aside from a VERY busy swimming program, Fairmount offers Arts, Fitness & Wellness and Sports programs. These include:
For Children
-Arts & Crafts
-Preschool Music
-Floor Hockey
-Martial Arts
-Preschool Sports
For Adults
-Tai Chi
All the programs for Fairmount are listed here. Get familiar with the wonderful programming available to our families, and make use of this important community asset, while we still have it!
It is with heavy hearts that we tell you that the Bowmore/Fairmount Park Community Centre is one of the 12 facilities targeted by Toronto's Budget Committee for program elimination, along with eliminating another neighbourhood pool (at Duke of Connaught).
Read Dec 2 Toronto Star story
All recreation programs at Fairmount, including the extremely popular ballet, martial arts, arts & fitness programs, along with other enrichment opportunities for our families, will be eliminated if the Budget Committee approves the plan. Budget planning meetings are being held all next week, with public hearings on December 7-8.
Also deeply worrying: While our pool is not on the list of seven that will be immediately axed, it is hard to imagine sustainable pool programming (staff hours etc) if all other programs are removed.
Speak up.
Many of you signed the petition last June, and sent us your heartfelt testimonials. We will ensure our councillor uses them when speaking at the budget meeting. If you have not yet submitted your testimonial stating why the pool and Parks & Rec programming is important, please email one to us immediately. We will gather and forward all testimonials (past & present) to the Budget Committee and cc Councillor McMahon, Chris Spence, Sheila Cary-Meagher, TDSB and other relevant players on your behalf. Let's tell them that jeopardizing our children's health and safety by eliminating sports, recreation and swim literacy programs is not the way to cut costs!
Attend the public hearings December 7-8
Bowmore parents should register to depute at the Budget Committee on December 7/8. To register call or email the Budget Committee rep, Merle MacDonald, at buc@toronto.ca or 416-392-7340. City Council committee agendas can be viewed at: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/decisionBodyList.do?function=prepareDisplayDBList . If you do plan to depute, please let us know so we can strategize around messaging from Ward 32.
Use it or lose it!
TOMORROW IS THE REGISTRATION OPENING FOR RECREATION & SWIM PROGRAMS (see below). If you cherish our community centre, please take time to review and make use of the many programs available to us in our neighbourhood.
Spread the word
Help us distribute flyers, and tell everyone in our neighbourhood about this threat to our community.
We are working with our city councillor to plan our community reponse to this threat. We will keep you informed as we learn more. Please let us know by email if you can help distribute flyers and help us find other ways to spread the word. Without delay, we must let the city and Budget Committee know how much our community values this vital neighbourhood asset.
About the Fairmount/Bowmore Pool Committee: Formed in June 2010, our goal is to keep our community centre thriving. We have been collecting petitions, writing testimonials and securing media coverage. We maintain an open communication channel with all concerned parents, Councillor Mary Margaret McMahon, and Trustee Sheila Cary Meagher. If you can help, please contact us via email.
Parks & Recreation Winter Registration Deadline - Tomorrow!

A reminder - registration for Winter Skating & Swimming lessons and March Break Camps start December 3rd! Browse program offerings and register online here.
Aside from a VERY busy swimming program, Fairmount offers Arts, Fitness & Wellness and Sports programs. These include:
For Children
-Arts & Crafts
-Preschool Music
-Floor Hockey
-Martial Arts
-Preschool Sports
For Adults
-Tai Chi
All the programs for Fairmount are listed here. Get familiar with the wonderful programming available to our families, and make use of this important community asset, while we still have it!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Grinch Coming to Bowmore: Movie Night Dec 2!
Our next Movie Night, Friday December 2:
(the Jim Carrey version)
Plus a family holiday singalong starting at 6:15!
Bowmore movie nights are a fun, simple and inexpensive family night out. You don’t need to worry about cooking dinner that night, as we sell pizza, juice and snacks for a modest cost, and free popcorn is courtesy of Ray Bernard, Royal Lepage Estate Realty! Suggested donation of $2 per person, with each donation earning you a chance to win the DVD at the end of the night. Join us!
WHEN: Friday, December 2 - 6 pm doors open / 6:15 pm singalong / 6:45 pm movie starts
WHERE: Bowmore Junior Gym (use the side entrance, under "the bridge")
Pizza, snacks and drinks will be sold for a modest cost. Remember to bring camp chairs!
A fun & inexpensive family night out that supports enriched learning experiences at Bowmore.
Plus a family holiday singalong starting at 6:15!
Bowmore movie nights are a fun, simple and inexpensive family night out. You don’t need to worry about cooking dinner that night, as we sell pizza, juice and snacks for a modest cost, and free popcorn is courtesy of Ray Bernard, Royal Lepage Estate Realty! Suggested donation of $2 per person, with each donation earning you a chance to win the DVD at the end of the night. Join us!
WHEN: Friday, December 2 - 6 pm doors open / 6:15 pm singalong / 6:45 pm movie starts
WHERE: Bowmore Junior Gym (use the side entrance, under "the bridge")
Pizza, snacks and drinks will be sold for a modest cost. Remember to bring camp chairs!
A fun & inexpensive family night out that supports enriched learning experiences at Bowmore.
An Update From Our Eco-Team
The presentations will take place on Wednesday, December 7. Grades 3 to 6 will go first and grade 7-8 will follow. The presentation will be in the senior gym. Parents are welcome to join in!
The presenter’s name is Eric Novak. Read about him here:
We hope you can join us, and please also take the time to talk with your kids about what they learn!
School Council Meeting This Wednesday, Nov 23
Please join us - all Bowmore parents are welcome, and everyone has a voice and an equal vote at meetings!
-Draft Minutes, October 20 Meeting
-November Financial Statement
-Draft Budget 2011-12
-Draft Bylaw: Code of Ethics
-Draft Bylaw: Conflict of Interest
-Draft Bylaw: Conflict Resolution
-Minutes September 20
-Annual Fundraising Plan - Bowmore School Council
-Annual Fundraising Plan - Non-Board Fundraising Initiatives
- 2nd Floor Teachers' Lounge, 6-8 pm
- We supply free pizza and childcare, to make it easy for you to attend!
-Draft Minutes, October 20 Meeting
-November Financial Statement
-Draft Budget 2011-12
-Draft Bylaw: Code of Ethics
-Draft Bylaw: Conflict of Interest
-Draft Bylaw: Conflict Resolution
-Minutes September 20
-Annual Fundraising Plan - Bowmore School Council
-Annual Fundraising Plan - Non-Board Fundraising Initiatives
Monday, November 14, 2011
November newsletter now online!

Once again with all the news that's fit to print (or better yet, read online and save paper)!
Click here to read the November newsletter
Click here to subscribe to our email notices... You'll get Bowmore news delivered directly to your email box each month, along with lots of other important updates about Bowmore activities!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Happy October!
In this message:

Bowmore PS October Newsletter now online
Chock full 'o information you need to know to keep the school year running smoothly!
Download it here (PDF)
School Council Meeting This Thursday
Please join us - all Bowmore parents are welcome, and everyone has a voice and an equal vote at meetings!
2nd Floor Teachers' Lounge, 6-8 pm
We supply free pizza and childcare, to make it easy for you to attend!
Movie Night This Friday!
This month in the spirit of democracy, we set up a Facebook survey so parents could choose the movie by popular vote. And the winner is...
TOY STORY 3! Watch preview here
Bowmore movie nights are a fun, simple and inexpensive family night out. You don’t need to worry about cooking dinner that night, as we sell pizza, juice and snacks for a modest cost, and free popcorn is courtesy of Ray Bernard Real Estate! Suggested donation of $2 per person, with each donation earning you a chance to win the DVD at the end of the night. Join us!
WHEN: Friday, Oct 21 - 6 pm doors open / 6:30 pm movie starts
WHERE: Bowmore Junior Gym (use the side entrance, under "the bridge")
Pizza, snacks and drinks will be sold for a modest cost. Remember to bring camp chairs!
A fun & inexpensive family night out that supports enriched learning experiences at Bowmore.
Results from Parent Survey

Thank you for submitting your responses to the Parent Survey about priorities for School Council funding this year. We've compiled the results, and the following FOUR priorities were identified as most important to Bowmore families, by votes:
- Bowmore October newsletter now online
- Next School Council Meeting: This Thursday (Oct 20), 6-8 pm - ALL WELCOME!
- Next Movie Night: This Friday (Oct 21) - TOY STORY 3!
- Results of Fundraising Survey

Bowmore PS October Newsletter now online
Chock full 'o information you need to know to keep the school year running smoothly!
Download it here (PDF)
School Council Meeting This Thursday
Please join us - all Bowmore parents are welcome, and everyone has a voice and an equal vote at meetings!
2nd Floor Teachers' Lounge, 6-8 pm
We supply free pizza and childcare, to make it easy for you to attend!
- Agenda for Thursday's meeting (PDF)
- Draft Minutes from Sept 29 Meeting for approval (PDF)
- Financial Report for approval (PDF)
Movie Night This Friday!

TOY STORY 3! Watch preview here
Bowmore movie nights are a fun, simple and inexpensive family night out. You don’t need to worry about cooking dinner that night, as we sell pizza, juice and snacks for a modest cost, and free popcorn is courtesy of Ray Bernard Real Estate! Suggested donation of $2 per person, with each donation earning you a chance to win the DVD at the end of the night. Join us!
WHEN: Friday, Oct 21 - 6 pm doors open / 6:30 pm movie starts
WHERE: Bowmore Junior Gym (use the side entrance, under "the bridge")
Pizza, snacks and drinks will be sold for a modest cost. Remember to bring camp chairs!
A fun & inexpensive family night out that supports enriched learning experiences at Bowmore.
Results from Parent Survey

Thank you for submitting your responses to the Parent Survey about priorities for School Council funding this year. We've compiled the results, and the following FOUR priorities were identified as most important to Bowmore families, by votes:
- Music (ie accompanist, instruments)
- Math & Science (ie Scientists in the Classroom)
- Literacy (ie library resources, author visits)
- Arts (ie Artists in the Classroom, Prologue Theatre)
Monday, October 3, 2011
Meet Your Bowmore School Council Executive 2011-12
Thanks to all the parents who came to
our kick-off School Council meeting on September 29! It was an amazing
turnout, proving that Bowmore parents care deeply about the quality of
our children's school experience.
As finalized at the September 29 meeting, here are the names and roles of your elected School Council members:
Executive council membership is not required to vote at meetings. If you have a child at Bowmore, you have a voice and a vote on Council! Come to any meetings you can: Your thoughts, ideas & votes are always welcome!
How we keep all parents informed, even if you can't attend the meetings:
Minutes from every meeting are recorded by the School Council Secretary. Once they are approved (at the following meeting), the minutes will be posted on our school bulletin board, via this eblast list and archived on our website, along with upcoming meeting agendas and approved financial reports.
We need your help!
We are in the early stages of forming parent working committees related to a number of areas of concern at School Council, including School Council Bylaws and Fundraising Policies, Fundraising, Pool Advocacy, the Gardening Committee and the Eco-Team. If you are interested in any of these committees, please contact us by email.
As finalized at the September 29 meeting, here are the names and roles of your elected School Council members:
Role | Name |
Co-Chairs (2) | Rebecca Collier Doyle & Debora Morran |
Secretary | Orla Kipling |
Treasurer | Ryan Doyle |
QSP Chair | Nancy Botelho |
Fundraising Chair | Lori Sears-Malik |
Ward 16 Representative | Ellen Braganca |
Green Team Chair | Jennifer Jones |
Green Team Assistant | Lesley Griffin |
Communications | Kathleen Sandusky |
Member-at-Large | Stephanie Simmons |
How we keep all parents informed, even if you can't attend the meetings:
Minutes from every meeting are recorded by the School Council Secretary. Once they are approved (at the following meeting), the minutes will be posted on our school bulletin board, via this eblast list and archived on our website, along with upcoming meeting agendas and approved financial reports.
We need your help!
We are in the early stages of forming parent working committees related to a number of areas of concern at School Council, including School Council Bylaws and Fundraising Policies, Fundraising, Pool Advocacy, the Gardening Committee and the Eco-Team. If you are interested in any of these committees, please contact us by email.
QSP Magazine Fundraiser has begun!

(Click for a direct link to the Bowmore QSP page)
The challenge is on to see if we can beat the over $9,000 we raised last year! This fundraiser helps to pay for your child's class enrichment programs like Scientists in School, Robotics, field trip buses, and more!

· NEW! The Kids Helping Kids program lets you buy a subscription for a Toronto student in need
· NEW! $20 and $30 gift cards are available. Recipients can go online to redeem their card for the magazine they want.
Order by October 12 and qualify for fun prizes for your kids!
Place your order year-round for great reading for the whole family and funding for your child's enrichment programs... Everybody wins!
QSP offers newsstand discounts on just about any magazine you or your family members read, like Owl, Chickadee, Chirp, Discover, Chatelaine, Reader's Digest, Sports Illustrated, Runner's World, Canadian House & Home, Fashion, Maclean's, The Walrus.... and many more! Magazines make great holiday gifts for family members and friends! Get a head start on your holiday shopping while benefiting our school!
If you have any questions about QSP, please email us.
Place your order year-round for great reading for the whole family and funding for your child's enrichment programs... Everybody wins!
QSP offers newsstand discounts on just about any magazine you or your family members read, like Owl, Chickadee, Chirp, Discover, Chatelaine, Reader's Digest, Sports Illustrated, Runner's World, Canadian House & Home, Fashion, Maclean's, The Walrus.... and many more! Magazines make great holiday gifts for family members and friends! Get a head start on your holiday shopping while benefiting our school!
If you have any questions about QSP, please email us.
Your Opinion Counts!
Fundraising Survey
We want to know how Bowmore parents would like School Council to distribute money raised through our fundraising initiatives. Please give us your input by completing and submitting this form via your child's teacher by this Wednesday, October 5. We will report on the results later this month, and use them as guidelines as we vote on the disbursement of funds. It is not the responsibility of parents or school communities to raise funds for basic educational requirements, but rather to enhance programs and support school initiatives.
Download the survey form here (PDF)
TDSB guidelines regarding School Council fundraising are available here (PDF)
We want to know how Bowmore parents would like School Council to distribute money raised through our fundraising initiatives. Please give us your input by completing and submitting this form via your child's teacher by this Wednesday, October 5. We will report on the results later this month, and use them as guidelines as we vote on the disbursement of funds. It is not the responsibility of parents or school communities to raise funds for basic educational requirements, but rather to enhance programs and support school initiatives.
Download the survey form here (PDF)
TDSB guidelines regarding School Council fundraising are available here (PDF)
Curriculum Night This Wednesday
Start time is 6:30 pm, in the Senior Gym
Curriculum Night is a chance to meet your child's teacher, visit the classroom and get a feel for what your child's school experience is like. For families with more than one child enrolled, the evening into two waves of presentations, following a welcome and introduction. The program for the evening is as follows:Welcome and introduction in Senior Gym: 6:30 pm
First Classroom Presentation: 6:45 - 7:15 pm
Second Classroom Presentation: 7:15 - 7:45 pm
Rotary Teacher Visits: 7:45 - 8:00 pm

PLEASE NOTE: THE BAKE SALE HAS BEEN CANCELLED that night, due to food sales restrictions as a result of the province-wide Healthy School Food and Beverage Policy. New nutritional guidelines have recently been implemented by the Board, and our school is allowed exemptions from the guidelines on only 10 occasions throughout the school year. By majority parent vote at the School Council meeting on September 29, it was determined that we would save these exemptions for future events. We apologize for the confusion.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Bowmore September newsletter now online!
CORRECTION: The School Council meeting will be on the originally scheduled date, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 6 - 8 PM. Meetings take place in the 2nd floor staff room, with pizza & childcare provided. ALL PARENTS WELCOME! We apologize for the confusion regarding the dates.
What's in this month's newsletter: Link here- Welcome back to Bowmore!
- Reminders regarding Code of Conduct, student drop-off/pick-up, safe arrival & punctuality
- Bowmore is a peanut-free school, with several children in the school severely allergic
- Tips on packing a litterless lunch
- Library news: Governor General Award-winner Deborah Ellis to visit!
- Guidance news: Grade 8 parents look for high school information sessions in one month!
- Extracurricular fee-based programs at Bowmore: Theatre, dance & karate
- Terry Fox Day coming Wed September 28! Be sure to show Bowmore spirit by wearing black & red!
- Junior Cross Country Run Team practices M,W,F 8 - 8:30: Parents welcome to run too!
- School Council News- First meeting to be held September 29; look for election results September 26
- Pizza lunches: We need volunteers for this important school fundraiser
- Bowmore Gardening Group: Join us as we beautify our school
- Parenting & Family Literacy Centre - Great resource for parents of children 0-6 yrs
- Education Day: Provincial All-Candidates Meeting September 20
- MedicAlert's "No Child Without": If you have a child with an allergy or serious medical condition, you need to know about this!
- Grade 7 trip to Camp Wahanowin
- Movie Night: Mars Needs Moms - September 23
- Sept 20 - Education Day (Secord PS)
- Sept 23 - Movie Night
- Sept 28 - Terry Fox Run
- Sept 29 - QSP Magazine Fundraiser begins
- Sept 29 - School Council Meeting
- Oct 3 - 7 - Scholastic Book Fair
- Oct 4 - TTC student ID photos
- Oct 5 - Curriculum Night
- Oct 10 - Thanksgiving (no school)
- Oct 11 - 13 - Grade 7 trip
Movie Night Friday September 23: Mars Needs Moms
"Mom needs a little space!" Starring Joan Cusack and Seth Green
Watch a video preview
WHEN: Friday, Sept 23 - 6 pm doors open / 6:30 pm movie starts
WHERE: Bowmore Junior Gym (use the side entrance, under "the bridge")
Pizza, snacks and drinks will be sold for a modest cost. Remember to bring camp chairs!
A fun & inexpensive family night out that supports enriched learning experiences at Bowmore.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Bowmore / Fairmount Park Shared Pool Update
The current review of the City of Toronto budget may have a serious impact on our Bowmore pool. At the end of 2011, the lease is due to expire on the 33 TDSB pools currently being leased by the City of Toronto, including Bowmore. The lease has temporarily been extended for a few months to allow for further discussion. If the City of Toronto decides not to renew the lease, our school pool programs will be in jeopardy and all swim programs offered through Fairmount Park will cease.
Read a recent news article about the risk to our swim programs at Bowmore
Four parents have volunteered to act as "Pool Captains" to lobby for renewing the lease, and to find alternate funding if the need arises to source private funds for pool programs at Bowmore/Fairmount Park. Kyle Duncan, Elizabeth Grundon, Maureen Boles and Susana Molinolo have kindly agreed to act as our advocates.
You can speak up for our swim programs, and many other vital issues facing Ontario families!
On Tuesday September 20, a delegation from Bowmore will attend the TDSB All Candidates Debate for Beaches East York. WE NEED YOU TO JOIN US AND SPEAK UP FOR BOWMORE KIDS as we ask the candidates where they stand on vital public funds for swim programs in our province.
In addition to the pool issue, this is a chance to find out where our candidates stand on the need for affordable and high-quality child care; quality of school buildings and facilities including playing fields; challenges facing special education, and many other issues impacting children and parents in Ontario.
The Beaches East York Riding debate takes place at Secord Public School, 101 Barrington Ave. 7:00pm.
Please attend and show our candidates that we care about the future of education in Ontario!
Read a recent news article about the risk to our swim programs at Bowmore
Four parents have volunteered to act as "Pool Captains" to lobby for renewing the lease, and to find alternate funding if the need arises to source private funds for pool programs at Bowmore/Fairmount Park. Kyle Duncan, Elizabeth Grundon, Maureen Boles and Susana Molinolo have kindly agreed to act as our advocates.
You can speak up for our swim programs, and many other vital issues facing Ontario families!
On Tuesday September 20, a delegation from Bowmore will attend the TDSB All Candidates Debate for Beaches East York. WE NEED YOU TO JOIN US AND SPEAK UP FOR BOWMORE KIDS as we ask the candidates where they stand on vital public funds for swim programs in our province.
In addition to the pool issue, this is a chance to find out where our candidates stand on the need for affordable and high-quality child care; quality of school buildings and facilities including playing fields; challenges facing special education, and many other issues impacting children and parents in Ontario.
The Beaches East York Riding debate takes place at Secord Public School, 101 Barrington Ave. 7:00pm.
Please attend and show our candidates that we care about the future of education in Ontario!
This year's School Council meetings schedule
School Council will meet on the third Thursday of every month
We will not meet in December.
We offer free pizza and childcare at each meeting, so you don't have to worry about dinner or babysitting!
We send agendas to all parents on our email list a few days in advance. We also publish minutes on our school bulletin board and on our blogsite following each meeting.
Thursday, September22 29, 6-8 pm
Thursday, October 20, 6-8 pm
Thursday, November 17, 6-8 pm
Thursday, January 19, 6-8 pm
Thursday, February 16, 6-8 pm
Thursday, April 19, 6-8 pm
Thursday, May 17, 6-8 pm
Even if you choose not to become a member of the School Council Executive, you are always welcome at any School Council meeting. All parents who attend get a voice and a vote at meetings. Please join us!
We will not meet in December.
We offer free pizza and childcare at each meeting, so you don't have to worry about dinner or babysitting!
We send agendas to all parents on our email list a few days in advance. We also publish minutes on our school bulletin board and on our blogsite following each meeting.
Thursday, September
Thursday, October 20, 6-8 pm
Thursday, November 17, 6-8 pm
Thursday, January 19, 6-8 pm
Thursday, February 16, 6-8 pm
Thursday, April 19, 6-8 pm
Thursday, May 17, 6-8 pm
Even if you choose not to become a member of the School Council Executive, you are always welcome at any School Council meeting. All parents who attend get a voice and a vote at meetings. Please join us!
Nominate yourself for School Council- deadline this Friday!
If you would like to be part of a dynamic, engaged group of parents who believe passionately in making our kids' school as great as it can possibly be, please nominate yourself for a School Council Executive role. It's easy! Just fill out the form below, and return it to the school office no later than 4 pm on Friday, September 16.
While every parent is a member of School Council and gets a voice and vote at meetings, the School Council Executive perform a variety of defined roles that have a powerful impact on the well-being of our school.
To learn more, please send us an email. And remember to submit your form on Friday!
Download Self-Nomination Form Here (PDF)
If you would like to be part of a dynamic, engaged group of parents who believe passionately in making our kids' school as great as it can possibly be, please nominate yourself for a School Council Executive role. It's easy! Just fill out the form below, and return it to the school office no later than 4 pm on Friday, September 16.
While every parent is a member of School Council and gets a voice and vote at meetings, the School Council Executive perform a variety of defined roles that have a powerful impact on the well-being of our school.
To learn more, please send us an email. And remember to submit your form on Friday!
Download Self-Nomination Form Here (PDF)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Welcome back to Bowmore next week- we're serving up coffee!
Can you believe summer's nearly over???
With school starting next week, here's a heads-up on what's in the works for September:
- First day back to school: Tuesday, September 6 (But JK/SK entry days are staggered- check with the school about the day your kindergarten child starts if you aren't sure).
- Remember that school supervision starts in the schoolyard at 8:30 a.m. each morning, and ends at 3:25 p.m.
- Forget your child's teacher's name? Look up teacher/classroom assignments here (download the June newsletter and scroll to page 2)

Make that lunch litter-free please!
Bowmore students, teachers and parents worked hard last year to earn our school an "Eco-Gold" certification!School lunches are a major source of waste in Ontario with the average student’s lunch generating a total of 30 kilograms of waste per school year. This means that an average of 8,500 kilograms (18,700 lbs) of waste is trucked to landfill from each school every year- that's the weight of two full-grown elephants!
Please help by ensuring that your child brings a litter-free lunch to school each day. Avoid ziplock bags and foil-wrapped individual packaging: Reusable containers, washable cloth napkins, refillable bottles and simple metal cutlery are healthier & cheaper over time. Save money, and the planet too!
Click here for more tips on how to reduce waste in your child's lunch.
Movie Night September 23: Mars Needs Moms
"Mom needs a little space!" Starring Joan Cusack and Seth Green
Watch a video preview
WHEN: Friday, Sept 23 - 6 pm doors open / 6:30 pm movie starts
WHERE: Bowmore Junior Gym (use the side entrance, under "the bridge")
Pizza, snacks and drinks will be sold for a modest cost. Remember to bring camp chairs!
A fun & inexpensive family night out that supports enriched learning experiences at Bowmore.
New vaccine schedule for Ontario children
This summer, three new vaccines were added to the schedule of publicly-funded vaccines available in Ontario:- Rotavirus oral vaccine for infants 6-24 weeks of age
- Second dose of chickenpox vaccine for children 1-11 years of age
- Whooping cough booster vaccine for adults 19-64 years of age
If you have any doubt about your child's immunizations, please consult with your doctor.
Ontario's new immunization schedule, updated this month, is available here.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Join us July 12 to talk about saving our pool!
You can make a difference in our community, by helping to keep our Bowmore PS / Fairmount Park CC shared-use pool open!
WHEN: Tuesday, July 12, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Fairmount Park CC
Kids welcome!
At the last meeting, we discussed creating a Fairmount Park CC Advisory Group. This meeting will be an opportunity to further define the role of this group in supporting community centre programmers (both aquatic and recreational) over the long haul, and to plan action NOW to protect our pool.
We know you're busy enjoying the summer! But this issue can't wait...
We've learned that the City of Toronto Community Development and Recreation Committee will debate the renewal of the lease at their September 14, 2011 meeting, and make their recommendation to Council. Deputations will be permitted. We need to make plans now to do whatever it takes to save our pool and community centre! Please join us.
Click here to read the Community Development & Recreation Committee's Background Document
Why we're worried about our pool - When 31 school pools were nearly shut down in 2008, it was community activism that kept them open. Today we face a similar crisis, as the City’s lease of 33 TDSB school pools...INCLUDING OUR BOWMORE / FAIRMOUNT PARK POOL...expires in December. Toronto City Council will decide whether to renew the leases in September. The leases are needed to keep the pools & community centres open. ASK YOURSELF:
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at bowmoresc@gmail.com
WHEN: Tuesday, July 12, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Fairmount Park CC
Kids welcome!
At the last meeting, we discussed creating a Fairmount Park CC Advisory Group. This meeting will be an opportunity to further define the role of this group in supporting community centre programmers (both aquatic and recreational) over the long haul, and to plan action NOW to protect our pool.
We know you're busy enjoying the summer! But this issue can't wait...
We've learned that the City of Toronto Community Development and Recreation Committee will debate the renewal of the lease at their September 14, 2011 meeting, and make their recommendation to Council. Deputations will be permitted. We need to make plans now to do whatever it takes to save our pool and community centre! Please join us.
Click here to read the Community Development & Recreation Committee's Background Document
Why we're worried about our pool - When 31 school pools were nearly shut down in 2008, it was community activism that kept them open. Today we face a similar crisis, as the City’s lease of 33 TDSB school pools...INCLUDING OUR BOWMORE / FAIRMOUNT PARK POOL...expires in December. Toronto City Council will decide whether to renew the leases in September. The leases are needed to keep the pools & community centres open. ASK YOURSELF:
- How does your family benefit from this pool?
- Will our community’s kids be safe swimmers without it?
- Is it important to our neighbourhood?
- Will this community centre be sustainable without the pool?
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at bowmoresc@gmail.com
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Emergency Update on Fairmount Park / Bowmore pool
Please join us:
Thurs, June 23, 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Fairmount Park CC meeting room
An opportunity to meet the Fairmount programming staff, to find out what their challenges are, and to learn how Bowmore parents can help by promoting the facility and ensuring that the programs that are offered are of maximum benefit and use for our community.
The two other Community Centre/TDSB leased pools in the area (SH Armstrong and Earl Beatty) both have "Advisory Councils." Fairmount used to, but it was abandoned years ago. To protect our pool and community centre, we may need to reestablish such a group - and quickly.
If you love our pool, please join us for a short and informative exchange of ideas.
Thurs, June 23, 6:30 - 8 p.m.
Fairmount Park CC meeting room
An opportunity to meet the Fairmount programming staff, to find out what their challenges are, and to learn how Bowmore parents can help by promoting the facility and ensuring that the programs that are offered are of maximum benefit and use for our community.
The two other Community Centre/TDSB leased pools in the area (SH Armstrong and Earl Beatty) both have "Advisory Councils." Fairmount used to, but it was abandoned years ago. To protect our pool and community centre, we may need to reestablish such a group - and quickly.
If you love our pool, please join us for a short and informative exchange of ideas.
June newsletter now online- Have a wonderful summer!
Only nine school days left! Last day of school is June 29.
What's in this month's newsletter: - Teacher room and grade assignments
- Swim Team results & Super Swim Meet June 21/2
- Gr 2 student essay on butterfly project
- Great response to launch of Bowmore's first-ever cricket team!
- Kids' perspective on the meaning of hope (grab your hankies!)
- Mathematica results: Bowmore's kids aced it!
- Bowmore students honoured at the Regional Heritage Fair
- Bowmore student appointed to Minister's Student Advisory Council (only two kids from entire TDSB!)
- Cyberbullying: Do you know the warning signs?
- Local Grade 9 Orientation Dates
- Library update: Governor General's Award-winning author visiting Bowmore next year!
- Our local library has summer kids' programs!
- Results of Primary/Junior & Senior Area Track Meets (the kids wore their new jerseys & rode buses paid for by parent fundraising!)
- Bowmore Dance Party: We raised over $4,000 to pay for Bowmore Athletic needs! Thank you to our volunteers who worked so hard!
- May Eco-Hero: Claire G!
- Bowmore has achieved Gold certification in our EcoSchools Audit! Way to go, students & staff!!!
- TODAY! Friday, June 17- FINAL Movie Night: Gnomeo & Juliet!
- Tuesday, June 21- Primary Swim Meet
- Wednesday, June 22 - Junior Swim Meet
- Thursday, June 23 - Fairmount pool discussion / meet the staff
- Friday, June 24 - Gr 8 Graduation
- Tuesday, June 28 - Gr 6 Graduation
- Wednesday, June 29 - Last Day of School
- September 6 - Back to School!
Neighbourhood Family Events This Summer:
We now have THREE Farmers' Markets in the neighbourhood! - A fun way to get yummy, fresh and locally-produced foods. Sundays: Leslieville Farmers' Market (NEW!) / Tuesdays: East York Farmers' Market / Thursdays: East Lynn Farmers' Market
Beach Ribfest This Weekend June 17 - 19
Beach Sandcastle Contest June 26
Red, White & Vinyl Festival, Fireworks at Ashbridges Bay July 1
Beach Jazz Festival July 15 - 24: Lineup just announced!
Festival of South Asia, Gerrard India Bazaar July 16 - 17
Taste of the Danforth August 5 - 7
Tommy Thompson Park Butterfly Festival August 27
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Protect our pool!
Do you love our School Pool?
Picture it closed next year.
We learned a lot at the Aquatics Working Group meeting last week. The most important lesson: During the last battle to save the school pools, the pools that survived were the ones with the most passionately committed parents.
IF YOU LOVE OUR POOL, please SIGN THE PETITION (located in the school office) by THIS THURSDAY MORNING. OR, if you prefer, please email us at bowmoresc@gmail.com with your short statement about why pool programming at Fairmount Park matters to your family and to our community! We will share your commitment with Toronto Lands Corporation / Toronto Council / Toronto Parks & Recreation.
When 31 school pools were nearly shut down in 2008, it was community activism that kept them open.Today we face a similar crisis, as the City’s lease of 33 TDSB school pools...INCLUDING OUR BOWMORE / FAIRMOUNT PARK POOL...expires in December. Toronto City Council will decide whether to renew the leases in the fall. The leases are needed to keep the pools open.
Please plan to attend one or both of these meetings, and spread the word to your friends, family & neighbours! Tell the City that our pool must be protected!
Wednesday June 1, 2011, 5-7 p.m.
Central YMCA, 20 Grosvenor Street
(by Wellesley Subway)
Thursday June 9, 2011, 7 p.m.
Wellesley Community Centre (Gym)
Space is limited: register at rsp@toronto.ca
or call 416-338-6608
(if you cannot attend, please fill out the
online survey at the above link)
- How does your family benefit from this pool?
- Will our community’s kids be safe swimmers without it?
- Is it important to our neighbourhood?
- Will this community centre be sustainable without the pool?
WANT TO HELP EVEN MORE? If you can help distribute flyers, please contact us at bowmoresc@gmail.com
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Bowmore Spirit Wear: Still a chance to order!
Do you have your Spirit Wear yet?
Did you miss your chance to pick up Bowmore Spirit Wear at Living & Learning? Well no worries, you get another chance at Bowmore Dance Party 2011 on June 8!
Youth T-shirts $12 / Adult T-shirts $15
Youth Hoodies $25 / Adult Hoodies $30
IF YOU ORDERED SPIRIT WEAR AT LIVING & LEARNING, your items will come home in your kid's backpack in time for Dance Party!
All money raised through Spirit Wear will support Bowmore athletics, including new (and much-needed!) jerseys, a new scoreboard, and safe transportation to competitions.
Go Bowmore Go!!!
Did you miss your chance to pick up Bowmore Spirit Wear at Living & Learning? Well no worries, you get another chance at Bowmore Dance Party 2011 on June 8!
Youth T-shirts $12 / Adult T-shirts $15
Youth Hoodies $25 / Adult Hoodies $30
IF YOU ORDERED SPIRIT WEAR AT LIVING & LEARNING, your items will come home in your kid's backpack in time for Dance Party!
All money raised through Spirit Wear will support Bowmore athletics, including new (and much-needed!) jerseys, a new scoreboard, and safe transportation to competitions.
Go Bowmore Go!!!
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(Cute kids not included) |
Bowmore Dance Party June 8 (raindate June 9)!
Are you ready to dance???
Bowmore Dance Party 2011 hits the basketball courts on June 8! (Rain date June 9)
Money raised will fund vital Bowmore athletic needs like team jerseys, a new scoreboard, and buses to events.
Get ready to DANCE!!! Bowmore students, parents, siblings, neighbours, family and friends, please join us on the Basketball Courts on Wednesday June 8 from 6 - 7 p.m. for an All Ages Dance Party featuring DJ Paul Butters. Everyone welcome!
Help out by encouraging your child to participate, and ask your neighbours, friends, coworkers and family to sponsor your child.
DID YOU KNOW? Students who submit their donation envelopes by May 27 can vote for their top 3 song requests... DJ Paul Butters will play the top 5 (family friendly) songs!
Will this be Bowmore Dance Party 2011?
Come on out and join us for pizza, refreshments, a chance to buy Bowmore Spirit Wear, lots of dancing and music, raffles, and most of all... FUN!
Information packages came home THIS WEEK- check your child's backpack!
Not dancing, but want to help?
Many people have asked how they can help out with the Dance Party. The time has come and we need volunteers for the following:
Bowmore Dance Party 2011 hits the basketball courts on June 8! (Rain date June 9)
Money raised will fund vital Bowmore athletic needs like team jerseys, a new scoreboard, and buses to events.
Get ready to DANCE!!! Bowmore students, parents, siblings, neighbours, family and friends, please join us on the Basketball Courts on Wednesday June 8 from 6 - 7 p.m. for an All Ages Dance Party featuring DJ Paul Butters. Everyone welcome!
Help out by encouraging your child to participate, and ask your neighbours, friends, coworkers and family to sponsor your child.
DID YOU KNOW? Students who submit their donation envelopes by May 27 can vote for their top 3 song requests... DJ Paul Butters will play the top 5 (family friendly) songs!
Will this be Bowmore Dance Party 2011?
Come on out and join us for pizza, refreshments, a chance to buy Bowmore Spirit Wear, lots of dancing and music, raffles, and most of all... FUN!
Information packages came home THIS WEEK- check your child's backpack!
Not dancing, but want to help?
Many people have asked how they can help out with the Dance Party. The time has come and we need volunteers for the following:
- Set Up Team - a group of people to set up tables, tents, garbage cans/ recycling bins, etc. prior to the event. We will probably start putting things together after school (3:30), but most of your help will needed between 4-5.
- Clean Up Crew - a group of people to take down tables, tents, and put things away after the Dance Party is over. We will need your help from 7pm until everything is cleaned up --this should take an hour or less.
- Pizza Sales - a group of people to help sell/ distribute pizza, drinks, and ice cream. We will need your help between 5-7pm.
- Spirit Wear Sales - a group of people to help sell Spirit Wear. We will need your help between 5-7pm.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Bowmore May Newsletter Now Online!
Only six weeks of school left... and lots happening!
What's in this month's newsletter:
What's in this month's newsletter:
- School classroom & staffing allocation update
- Gr 3 & 6 EQAO testing
- New musical instruments (thanks to parent donations at Spring Concert!)
- Track & Field Teams to compete at Birchmount May 24
- Aboriginal Artist in the Classroom
- Congrats to our Math Olympics kids!
- Library updates
- Student mock Federal elections: Can you guess how Bowmore students voted?
- Registration opens for TDSB Summer Camps (info on these & other camps on bulletin board in front foyer)
- April Eco-Heroes: Spencer C. and Graysen B!
- QSP magazine orders: Order year-round to support Bowmore!
- School Council- New Executive members announced! (More openings in September)
- Bowmore Pizza lunches - over $5,500 raised for student enrichment!
- Lots of volunteer opportunities available, all time commitments-- have fun & make a difference at your child's school!
- 2011-12 School Year Calendar announced: Plan your winter holiday & March break now!
- THIS WEEK! May 17, 18, 19- Junior Performance: ALADDIN (Tickets in Rm. 8)
- Victoria Day Weekend: May 20 - PA Day / May 23 - holiday
- May 27- final pizza lunch
- May 30 (week of)- EQAO (Gr. 3 & 6)
- June 8- Bowmore Dance Party! (Check backpacks for details this week)
- June 9- Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
- June 13- Staff Appreciation Lunch 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Food & volunteers needed)
- June 24- Gr. 8 graduation
- June 29- Last day of school
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Meeting Thurs May 12, 6:30 - 8 pm
Do you have any ideas, concerns or questions about Bowmore? Here's your chance!
Bowmore School Council plays an important role in the life of our kids' school, as parent advisors to the Principal and Vice Principals. If you have a child at Bowmore, you have a voice and a vote at Council!
Please join us!
If you have any questions, please email us at bowmoresc@gmail.com.
1. Welcome to Parents and Call for New Business (6:30 – 5 min)
2. Approval of February Minutes (6:35 – 5 min)
3. Introduce New Executive for 2011-12 (6:40 – 15 min) (More positions will become available in September)
4. Principal’s Report (7:00 – 15 min)
5. Financial Report (7:15– 5 min)
6. Review Requests for Funding (7:20 – 10 min):
7. School Council Updates (7:30 - 10 min): Eco-Team, QSP, Pizza Lunches, Movie nights, Dance-a-thon, Grade 6 Celebration/Grade 8 Graduation
9. Other Items Submitted by Parents/ Q&As (7:40 – 20 min)
10. Review Upcoming Events & Adjourn (8:00 - 5 min)
Bowmore School Council plays an important role in the life of our kids' school, as parent advisors to the Principal and Vice Principals. If you have a child at Bowmore, you have a voice and a vote at Council!
Please join us!
- Have fun!
- Make great things happen for our kids!
- Really get to know our Bowmore community!
If you have any questions, please email us at bowmoresc@gmail.com.
1. Welcome to Parents and Call for New Business (6:30 – 5 min)
2. Approval of February Minutes (6:35 – 5 min)
3. Introduce New Executive for 2011-12 (6:40 – 15 min) (More positions will become available in September)
4. Principal’s Report (7:00 – 15 min)
5. Financial Report (7:15– 5 min)
6. Review Requests for Funding (7:20 – 10 min):
7. School Council Updates (7:30 - 10 min): Eco-Team, QSP, Pizza Lunches, Movie nights, Dance-a-thon, Grade 6 Celebration/Grade 8 Graduation
9. Other Items Submitted by Parents/ Q&As (7:40 – 20 min)
10. Review Upcoming Events & Adjourn (8:00 - 5 min)
Our Pool Counts!
The City of Toronto is looking for input on use of its recreation programs and services, including our school pools. The City and the TDSB currently have a leasing agreement regarding the 33 TDSB pools. It will expire December 31, 2011. Bowmore is on the list.
Here's an opportunity to tell the City how important it is for the City and the TDSB to work together with the community to maintain a partnership until a strategy/agreement has been worked out to secure long term sustainable funding for these pools.
Please come out and let the City of Toronto know how important our TDSB pool is to your family!
Toronto East York Public Consultation- June 9, 2011 - 7 p.m. at Wellesley CC (Gym) 495 Sherbourne St. (Sherbourne St and Wellesley St E)
Space is limited at the public consultation sessions. To register, email rsp@toronto.ca or call 416-338-6608. More info: http://www.toronto.ca/parks/
If you are not able to attend, please tell the City how important our TDSB pool is to your family, by filling out the Parks & Recreation online survey.
Save the Date - Bowmore Dance Party June 8!
Wednesday, June 8 (rain date June 9)- get ready to DANCE!!!
Bowmore students, parents, siblings, neighbours, family and friends, please join us on the Basketball Courts on Wednesday June 8 from 6-7pm for an all ages Dance Party featuring DJ Paul Butters. Everyone welcome!
Proceeds will fund vital Bowmore athletic needs like team jerseys, a new scoreboard, and buses to events.
Help out by encouraging your child to participate, and ask your neighbours, friends, coworkers and family to sponsor your child as well.
Come on out and join us for pizza, refreshments, Bowmore Spirit Wear, lots of dancing and music, raffles, and most of all... FUN!
Information packages coming home Monday May 16- check your child's backpack!
Bowmore students, parents, siblings, neighbours, family and friends, please join us on the Basketball Courts on Wednesday June 8 from 6-7pm for an all ages Dance Party featuring DJ Paul Butters. Everyone welcome!
Proceeds will fund vital Bowmore athletic needs like team jerseys, a new scoreboard, and buses to events.
Help out by encouraging your child to participate, and ask your neighbours, friends, coworkers and family to sponsor your child as well.
Come on out and join us for pizza, refreshments, Bowmore Spirit Wear, lots of dancing and music, raffles, and most of all... FUN!
Information packages coming home Monday May 16- check your child's backpack!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
School Council - Your chance to make great things happen for our kids!
NOW RECRUITING: Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, & QSP Committee Chair
These are vital volunteer roles that make great things happen at Bowmore, like:
- Artists & Scientists in the Classroom
- Additional drama & arts activities
- Athletics needs like jerseys & a new scoreboard
- Even school buses to outings and competitions!
Have fun, make great things happen for our kids, and gain a deep knowledge of how our school works!
NOMINATE YOURSELF BY END OF DAY FRIDAY, APRIL 29 for the roles of Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and QSP Coordinators. A link to the nomination form is below. If you have any questions about these roles, please email us at bowmoresc@gmail.com.
Elections for School Council are done in two parts, to ensure the school year starts with key roles already filled:
- EACH MAY: An election selects the Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and QSP Committee Chair for the following school year
- EACH SEPTEMBER: Another election completes the Council by selecting the remaining Committee Chairs and additional Executive Members
DOWNLOAD: Nomination Form - SUBMIT BY APRIL 29
- Monday April 18 - Election guidelines and dates sent home with students and self-nomination forms available at the office (Did you get yours?)
- Thursday April 28 - School Council Mix n' Mingle
- Friday April 29 - Nominations close at 4 pm
- Monday May 2 - Ad Hoc Election Committee posts the list of candidates outside the main office and determines if enough nominations were received to warrant an election
- Wednesday May 4 - Candidates' Introduction Public Meeting (if an election is called)
- Thursday May 5 - Election by secret ballot, if needed
- Monday May 9 - Election results are posted outside the main office
- Thursday May 12 - School Council Meeting to introduce new Executive for 2011/12; September election will complete the Council’s membership.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Earth Day Picnic - Thanks for coming out!
Mother Nature may have rained on her own party, but Bowmore's first Earth Day Picnic was a rip-roaring success! Many bikes were tuned up, we cleaned up our neighbourhood, and there was music, gardening, book trading and much fun! Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out, to Bike Sauce & Bicycle Commons for their amazing volunteer repair team, to Cycle Solutions for the terrific prizes, and to the bands The Ice Masters and Head First for the amazing tunes. Photos have been posted to our Facebook page - check them out!
Bowmore Spirit Wear is Back!
IT’S BACK!!!!!!
Yes, that's right, Bowmore Spirit Wear is back and will be available to purchase at the Living & Learning Event May 4!
Also for sale at Bowmore Dance Party 2011 on June 8 (rain date June 9)!
Youth T-shirts $12 / Adult T-shirts $15
Youth Hoodies $25 / Adult Hoodies $30
CASH ONLY. If your preferred colour or size is unavailable (or sells out), you will be able to place an order for these items. Order forms will also be available to purchase Bowmore shorts, long sleeve t-shirts, and sweatpants.
All money raised will support Bowmore athletics, including new (and much-needed!) jerseys, a new scoreboard, and safe transportation to competitions.
Go Bowmore Go!!!
Yes, that's right, Bowmore Spirit Wear is back and will be available to purchase at the Living & Learning Event May 4!
Also for sale at Bowmore Dance Party 2011 on June 8 (rain date June 9)!
Youth T-shirts $12 / Adult T-shirts $15
Youth Hoodies $25 / Adult Hoodies $30
CASH ONLY. If your preferred colour or size is unavailable (or sells out), you will be able to place an order for these items. Order forms will also be available to purchase Bowmore shorts, long sleeve t-shirts, and sweatpants.
All money raised will support Bowmore athletics, including new (and much-needed!) jerseys, a new scoreboard, and safe transportation to competitions.
Go Bowmore Go!!!
Living & Learning Event at Bowmore May 4
Mark your calendars - there's lots happening at Bowmore the evening of May 4!
To make this possible, we desperately NEED PARENT VOLUNTEERS to provide baking and table sales help! If you can provide baked goods, or help out for all or part of the evening, please email us at bowmoresc@gmail.com
- Classroom Open House - 5 - 6 p.m.
- Book Fair - 4 - 7 p.m.
- Cafe, pizza & bake sale - 5 - 7 p.m.
- Face painting, art displays, chalk drawing, board games, table tennis & more!
- Spring Concert - 7 p.m.
To make this possible, we desperately NEED PARENT VOLUNTEERS to provide baking and table sales help! If you can provide baked goods, or help out for all or part of the evening, please email us at bowmoresc@gmail.com
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